The research into water memory is in its infancy. What scientists are discovering is how little we really know about the properties of water. What are they beginning to understand? Water carries a memory of what it comes in contact with.

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In the amazing world of science, I keep running across interviews with those on the cutting edge of new scientific discoveries who are frustrated with our current system. The main issue is that if the research is considered to be on the end of “fringe science,” it’s difficult to secure funding for projects. Anything to do with water memory is considered “out of the box” and not generally fundable. Unless those with inquiring minds do a lot of digging, this research may be hard to find. What I’ve provided for you in this article is an extensive list of videos and additional information that will help you on your own journey into the wonderful world of water memory. The key points in some of the videos are posted below as well as in the first three articles of this series.
All that being said, I’ll introduce you a YouTube channel where you can find good information. Many of the people that are mentioned in the Water Memory: Part 2 sources list, attend and speak at the Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water.
One of the most interesting speakers at a recent conference is Dr. Gerald H. Pollack, professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington. He suggests there are FOUR phases of water:
- solid – ice, snow
- gel – EZ or “exclusion zone”
- liquid – a glass of water, rain
- vapor – gas

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The fourth phase is highly viscous and has a gel-like quality. Dr. Pollack suggests that water can store information. Much of his research is on the EZ (4th) phase of water where he’s found that light builds exclusion zones, ultraviolet light acts like natural light, and water has negative and positive charges. To read more about his research into these four phases of water, CLICK HERE to order his book. There’s one interview on YouTube where he’s asked many questions about his research by a man named Graham Hancock. If you’re interested in the nutshell version of Dr. Pollack’s research, I suggest that you watch this video: “Dr. Gerald H. Pollack | The Fourth Phase of Water.” It was posted by the YouTube user, GrahamHancockDotCom.
Here are some important points made by Dr. Pollack in this interview:
- Structured water is the same as the fourth phase of water because it has structure to it. People began to collect evidence that water molecules could be organized in some way. Scientists found they could create structured water and as it grew from ordinary water molecules, it pushed out particles and molecules and excluded them. This is how the name “exclusion zone” came about. The type of water inside the exclusion zone goes beyond the fact that it excludes water. There are nearly 10 features to this water that differ from ordinary water. It makes the water look like a different phase of water.
- EZ water – our body is filled with fourth phase water. This information is not widely known. Water inside the cell is gel like, which is where the fourth phase comes from. Studies have shown that cells are full of fourth phase water. If the inside of the cell is gel, and gels contain fourth phase water, it stays inside. The water inside itself is gel like. This is what holds the water in the body together. It hangs together because it’s a gel.
- Why should we care about it? EZ water surrounds every protein inside the cell. The work of the cell is done by the proteins. The proteins do the contraction. They may undergo a change of shape but every protein in healthy cells is surrounded by fourth phase water. This water is intimately tied to good health. It’s important to make sure we’re full of EZ water. Studies are in process of determining good drinking water that includes EZ water. Studies do show that water with a high concentration of EZ water is good for you. There are several companies that do put out what’s called “structured water.” Although there aren’t many studies to show that structured water is helpful, people are finding good results.
An additional bonus to the interview is how Dr. Pollack responds to why those in the scientific community struggle with new revolutions in science. Why are there issues? Certain research topics jeopardize a person’s standing in the scientific community. When someone comes to challenge a belief system, we often resist. That’s the typical human response. No one wants to risk losing status. As you listen to what those researching water memory have to say, I will suggest the phrase “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.” Consider that much of what you hear about water memory is going to be on the fringes of science. As Dr. Pollack mentions several times, it took a long time for people to understand that we have a round earth. Even with clear evidence that it wasn’t flat, people still refused to listen. Are we in that same place with water memory?

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Now, let’s look at thoughts and intents put into water. At about 40 minutes into the interview with Dr. Pollack, Graham Hancock tells a story of a documented case from the year 1881 of a group of people that were shipwrecked. But, after several weeks floating about in a raft, once they came into port, those on board were healthy. The captain told them “We got so desperate. We were dying. One of us came up with the idea to imagine the water around this boat is potable. After all, we’re going to die anyway!” They drank sea water around their boat and it became potable. They survived for several weeks on sea water. The obvious suggestion here is that human beings are somehow able to transmute sea water into potable water. Dr. Pollack eventually suggests (46 minutes in) that intention and various types of energy can have an affect on water.
In the documentary “Water,” about ten minutes into the video, is the story about the shipwrecked boat as described above. Also in this documentary (about 13 minutes into the video), Konstantin Korotkov states, “it became clear that positive and negative human emotions are the strongest element of influence [on water].” In several experiments he found that love increases water’s energy level and stabilizes the water. Aggressive emotions reduce the energy and make radical changes in the water.
The documentary, “The Mystery of Water – What We Know is a Drop,” many of the scientists that participate in the water conference (mentioned above) contribute their research at a deeper level than what’s in the YouTube video. In a nutshell, these researchers say that water has memory and a kind of intelligence to it. Professor Eshel Ben Jacob, a physicist at Telaviv University in Israel, says “If water indeed has memory, the fact that we are so uncareful about the treatment of water, it will eventually cause the water we have to become unsuitable or stressful to organic systems.”
How many of us have thought about what we actually put into water? It appears apparent through the various scientific studies that since water carries memory, including a memory of thoughts and emotions, why would it be such a stretch to understand that sound imprinted on water can be helpful, especially sound that has a loving and positive intent? Again, as stated in other posts on this site, this is probably why the same music by different artists feels different. Have you ever considered that a recording artist’s state of mind while recording music can affect the final product?

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What we “imprint” into water – matter (flowers, organic items, etc.), music, happy thoughts, negative thoughts, etc., is going to change the structure of that water. I do believe it’s important to carefully choose what we put into our bodies. This includes the music we listen to, the medicines we take, what we watch on TV, and the conversations we take part in. Since our bodies are made up of at least 70% water, that water remembers what comes in through our ear gates, our eye gates, our feeling gates, our touch gates, and our smell gates. Why do I say gates? It’s because we have a choice whether to open them or not to allow things in.
While pondering what I’ve put before you in this article, listen to some of my music on the SAMPLES page. Close your eyes and allow yourself to sense and feel how your body responds to the different songs. If you want longer samples, you can listen on YouTube to the channel CD Baby has set up for my music. If you want a double whammy of this effect, consider ordering some FREE samples of the music essences that I’ve created. You can get those through Freedom Flowers.
As usual, feel free to leave comments below! If you find interesting resources, this is a great place to post those!
Del, May 2018
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[…] made up of at least 70% water and that water carries the memory of what it comes into contact with (CLICK HERE for those articles), I venture to speculate that water acts as an amplifier to our DNA screaming, […]