Water memory is a topic of heated debate in the science community. However, enough scientists have ventured out into the proverbial “possible falling limb” world of water memory that the risk is worth it. Science is a wonderful thing. However, even Einstein met with resistance when his theories didn’t line up with the excepted norm. In order to discover new things, you have to be willing to be ridiculed for your beliefs. This is especially true in science. I even saw this in the writing of my dissertation because my findings opposed the popular methods of teaching students how to “voice” the high (altissimo) register on the clarinet.
I spend a lot of time with college students. In a recent discussion, I brought up how thoughts and intents have frequencies so in order to make the body and mind happier, positive thoughts/words are better for the body than negative thoughts/words. This conversation was met with opposition and some people immediately went looking for peer reviewed articles on the subject. Finding none, the assumption was made that I’m full of a lot of hot air. In college language, I’m “clueless.” I’m sure that Einstein would meet with more resistance today because the criteria for peer reviewed articles is very stringent. In all three of the videos in the sources section (below), the scientists interviewed all voice their frustrations with the current peer reviewing system. One of them is the scientist who discovered the HIV virus. Since he’s currently working with water memory, many believe he’s outdated and chasing whims.
With that as a background, I encourage those reading this to open your minds to the wonderful world of water memory. If you missed the introduction to this series, CLICK HERE to read it. Over the next few blog posts on this subject, I will present the research and findings from the videos listed under the resource section at the bottom of the page. All three videos are rather long so feel free to grab some coffee and that very special treat before you dig in! If watching videos isn’t your thing, my notes should be helpful.

Image by Pixabay
Here, I present you with key points from these videos. Remember, these are all reputable scientists who are experts in their respective fields. All of them say that science knows very little about the properties of water, feeling we’re only in the beginning stages of understanding this amazing element.
With that, here’s the quick synopsis:
- A “transduction” experiment shows that when placing a DNA molecule in contact with purified water, then removing that molecule by high dilution where no single DNA molecule remains, the memory of that DNA molecule remains in the water. Electromagnetic sensors were used to listen to the water in the diluted solutions. Not only did the water retain the memory of the traces of DNA but scientists at another lab were able to replicate the DNA chain to 98% accuracy.
- “Water molecules have the capability to “hold hands” with one another, making a chain. If the chain of molecules is long enough, it can create a circle with a closed space between the molecules where matter can’t get in.” (Marc Henry, quantum physics and chemistry professor) What does this mean? If we look at water memory theory through the eyes of quantum physics, there’s no distinction between signal and matter in the quantum physics world. An atom is both a particle and a signal. Water memory theory talks about signals which would have the same properties as the matter itself.
- Scientists are currently researching what they call “wave medicine” where patients can be treated with frequency waves.
- Experiments show that water receives and retains the memory of outside influences, remembering everything that occurs in the space that surrounds it. As it records information, water records many properties but its chemical composition remains unchanged.
- “The structure of water is more important than the chemical composition” (Rustom Roy, Professor, the State University of Pennsylvania)
- The structure of water is defined as how its molecules are organized. They join together into groups called “clusters.” The clusters work as a sort of memory cell where the water records its relationship with the world, as if on a tape recorder.
- One study shows that positive and negative emotions can be transferred to water. In fact, in this study, they determined this as “they [emotions] are the strongest element of influence” on water.
- Animals always choose natural spring water over any other type of water when given a choice.
- Frequencies and prayers are proven through a variety of experiments to affect water. This happens through the structurization of water through clustering of the water molecules.
- Dr. Emoto was the first to “imprint” words and thoughts into water. Although his lab techniques have been questioned, his studies are able to be replicated by other scientists. There are even YouTube videos of people who have tried his experiments with similar results.
- There are preliminary results of experiments showing that water has the ability to detect weak electromagnetic radiation.
- Metal, twigs, flowers, and any object can be put into water. After drying droplets of water that have had these items sitting in the water for some time, a different picture emerges that’s specific to each item. In other words, each item has a “picture print” that’s specific to that item.
There are many implications through these studies that water carries memory. In the next part of this series, I will break down the various experiments shown in the videos (below). In part, it’s these videos that led me to create my music (sound) essences. They are sold by Freedom Flowers and if you click on the icon either in the sidebar or at the bottom of the page, you’ll be redirected to Freedom Flowers for the sound essences I’ve created.
All of the information presented in these videos should be encouraging news for those who create flower essences, music essences, essential oils, and anything else made with water. Frequency waves are in everything, Wouldn’t it make sense that since our body is at least 60% water that the frequencies around us truly affect us? It would also make sense that when we take water infused with frequencies, prayers, and healing flowers that there is something to it? This takes the “woo woo” out of what many call pseudoscience. Maybe the ancient civilizations knew more than we give them credit for.
Video #1: Water Memory: A Documentary of 2014 about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier
Video #2: Water Has Memory
Video #3: The Mystery of Water – What we know is a drop
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