Is there a problem with free speech? To answer that question, we must look at how our words affect those around us. My father told me, “make sure your brain is engaged before putting your mouth in gear.” As a child, I let stuff fly out of my mouth, not even caring how it might come across to others. It cost me friendships, trust, and even in the job market. Based on personal experience, I’d say there’s a problem with free speech. Let me explain…
We live in America where the first amendment of our constitution says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” In theory, the free speech part sounds wonderful. However, there’s always a cost involved. What are we willing to pay for our so-called “free speech?”
Since this website focuses on frequency related topics, this is where I ask, “have you ever considered that speech creates a frequency?” Many ancient texts talk about the power of the tongue. The Bible specifically says, “life and death are in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21) states, “The tongue has no bones but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words. The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood.” Benjamin Franklin said, “A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue, you may never get over.”
Motivated Kulture has a meme that says, “Once you realize the power of the tongue, you won’t just say anything. When you realize the power of your thoughts, you won’t just entertain anything. And once you figure out the power of your presence, you won’t be just anywhere.” Do a Google search for “words and the tongue” and see how many describe how our words affect us and everything around us. It all begins with a thought that eventually becomes words; words that can harm or heal.
A frequency is created with motion and vibration. We may not physically hear some frequencies but that doesn’t mean the frequency isn’t there. Thoughts have a frequency. Intentions have a frequency. Words and movement have frequencies. Frequencies create and everyone around us benefits (both negative and positive) from what comes out of us. This is where the power of free speech comes into play. What comes out of our mouth can create a positive or negative outcome. The choice is ours.
In other articles on this website, I present studies by Russian scientists showing how the spoken word can affect a bottle of water. I’ll include some of those links in the sources section. Let’s look at a few examples…
The Mythbusters (an old TV show) did an experiment where they put plants in separate greenhouses on a roof. They played music in all but one of the greenhouses for a certain length of time. The plants in the greenhouse where the spoken words such as “I hate you, you’re ugly, etc.” shriveled up and had the worst growth rate of all the plants.

Masaru Emoto is the Japanese scientist who did the initial studies on how words affect water. However, it’s not yet known if his experiments have been repeated with similar results. His results showed that positive words created beautiful shapes while negative words made ugly shapes.
It's now the fall of 2024 and we’re in a highly politically charged season. Words are flying right and left between candidates where one party and their leader is being called a threat to democracy, could destroy the country, and a few other words too nasty that I refuse to mention because they are quite horrible. The other party retorts back with derogatory nicknames describing various negative character traits of people within the opposing party. It’s an ongoing “word war” that demonstrates both political parties are acting like spoiled children who aren’t getting their way.

I’m not a political person at all but just so I’d have an idea what each party stood for, I watched both conventions – one in July of 2024 and the other in August of 2024.
One candidate clearly outlined policies using a theme for each night. Guests were invited to present speeches around those themes. Amazingly, very little was said about the opposing political party.
The other convention was quite different where no clear themes or policies were outlined and nearly every speaker attacked the character of the opposing parties’ two major candidates. Since those two conventions, the word wars have only increased. I don’t quite understand why they seem to think this is scoring them any points.
I survived an abusive marriage and totally understand the abusive behaviors of gaslighting and crazymaking, which both political parties are engaging in. Somehow, they both feel it’s necessary to attack a person’s character with nasty and/or derogatory words. The media has their own narrative based on political bias, often repeating untruths that listeners believe and can act upon if it upsets them enough. People do stupid stuff when they get upset. Do we even consider that what comes out of our mouths can cause harm? Ponder on that while we look at the definitions of these two abusive behaviors…
According to Merriam-Webster, gaslighting is “psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator.”
On my own site, I say that crazymaking is, “to double bind, or requiring two separate things. A “crazy maker” will constantly change the requirements for a given situation. The abuser will make you feel like you’re going crazy because the terms keep changing. Crazy making typically causes the victim to question whether he/she really did do/say something. The abuser is really good at making the victim feel that he/she is wrong. The key behind crazy making is that there is constant change.”

I encourage you to click on the link in the sources (below) where I provide definitions for many abusive behaviors. You may (or may not) be shocked to learn leaders across the world are using these tactics as a form of controlling people. If they can get us beat down enough, we’re more vulnerable to these tactics. We become stripped of our identity, both individually and collectively. How can I say that? When you’ve lived through it, you recognize it. All of these behaviors begin with words – words that hurt, destroy, and emotionally deprive us of who we are.
Compare the definitions for gaslighting and crazymaking to what’s going on in the USA from about 2010 leading up and into 2024. Mainstream media is heavily involved in gaslighting through negative words and accusations. People who get their “news” from negative media reports marinate in a sense of fear and desperation. After hearing the negative reports long enough, those most vulnerable tend to believe it – hook, line, and sinker.
Negative reporting causes fear. When you hear something over, and over, and over, and over, and over...... eventually the negative "propaganda" settles into our belief systems where we frame thoughts into unhealthy intents that eventually lead to dangerous actions. How do we know something is propaganda? Pay attention to HOW things are worded across various news media outlets. When they use identical wording and phrases, you're being brought under the "spell" of propaganda. It's the repetition thing that sinks into our brains, just like commercials coercing us to go out and buy the latest and greatest thing.
When horrible events occur, such as the event on July 13th in Butler, Pennsylvania, these instances can often be caused by what people have listened to prior to doing their nefarious acts. I venture to guess the “perp” in this case believed the propaganda spewed by the media and nastiness within the two political parties. He then acted upon it thinking he was saving our "democracy."
There’s another word for this… brainwashing. It’s through words, both written and spoken, that causes an action. This is how Hitler was able to control an entire country where his “underlings” committed major atrocities. He even coerced the general German population into allowing it to happen for fear of opposing what they knew was wrong. Those who opposed the leaders were put into concentration camps. Hitler ruled through fear. It all began through the power of words. Life and death are truly in the power of the tongue.

Where does this lead us? Everything starts with a thought. Thoughts are framed as intents. We mull them over and eventually turn the intentions into actions. When we hear negative words about ANYONE, we must question the source! Negativity breeds negativity.
My dad also said, “If you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all.” We live in a society that doesn’t care about the words we speak. What we don’t understand is that what comes out of our mouths affects us, too. If everything in and around you is in chaos, it’s time to take an inventory check of your words.
The other piece to this puzzle is a term we call “projection.” We don’t realize that when we see something in someone else that we don’t like, we begin to criticize that person for the very thing we’re doing ourselves! I tell a story in my book, Transforming Mindsets, from one of my jobs where my bosses sat me down and said every nasty thing possible while attacking my character for three hours, then they fired me when it was all over. One line I remember went something like this… “How could someone with a doctoral degree be so stupid?” It only went downhill from there. My bosses projected onto me all the nasty things they’d done to me up until that point. Keep that in mind the next time you hear a political party or candidate hurl accusations (attacking character, name calling, telling outright lies, etc.) about another candidate. More than likely, there’s a bit of projection in their statements. My rule of thumb? The moment I start hearing negativity, accusations, and “character assassinations” towards others, I walk away and listen no more.
Is there a problem with free speech? The answer is a resounding yes! Just because we can speak freely in America doesn’t mean we should speak everything that’s on our mind. We must consider the feelings of others and how the comments we make will represent and reflect on our character. Are we speaking life over people or are we releasing death? We must also remember that our words come back to us, and we reap the consequences of those words whether we like it or not. We must also note that “hurting people hurt people.” It’s possible to choose NOT to be offended by other’s nasty comments. What’s the point of being offended? When someone is hurting bad enough that they have to say nasty things about you to feel better about themselves, realize you’re the bigger person and don’t need to “take in” their negativity!
Although free speech allows us to speak what’s on our mind, we must be willing to accept the consequences of our words and actions. If we can’t do that, we’d be better off saying nothing. Once we begin to recognize this truth, the world will be in a better place. As we learn to “resonate” with frequencies of perfect love, peace, hope, joy, kindness, etc., we’ll see greater changes in society. Do note that there are “copycat” versions of these seemingly positive words. If our actions don’t line up with what’s coming out of our mouth, there’s more of a chance the negative aspects will settle into our body and emotions as sickness – both physical and mental. And we wonder why there’s a mental health crisis in the world today? I suspect that as we learn to reframe our thoughts for a more positive outcome, we’ll be healthier – spirit, soul, and body.
It's up to us to change the world, one word at a time. Choose life through the power of your words! If you want some music to assist in bringing you into peace during times of chaos, I recommend you get the song Peace in Good News. Read the song description and listen to a sample. Use the music during daily quiet or meditative times by bringing “good news” to your spirit, soul, and body. Thrive on the good news and let negativity float away.Enjoy the Good News!
Del, September 2024