New Hope – Full Album Download


As you listen and engage with the frequencies in this music, be released from any crisis that may hold you back from living life to its fullest.

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“New Hope” – Full Album Download by Del Hungerford

A=432 Concert Pitch

“New Hope” was completed in July of 2016 at the request of an organization that works with veterans. Those coming home from war often suffer from a variety of traumas. In addition, many in society also suffer from other crisis situations such as divorce, natural disasters, loss of family/friends, physical and emotional illnesses, abuse, etc. As you listen and engage with the healing frequencies in this music, I hope you will find a release from any crisis that may hold you back from living life to its fullest. May your life be joyful!

Songs include:

  • Joyful Life
  • Joyful Heart
  • Joyful Hope

Album Length: 43 minutes

CD’s are available through Amazon. Individual song and EMDR downloads are available through Gumroad under individual album pages.

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