“Deep Calls to Deep” – Full Album Download by Del Hungerford
- Deep Restoration – Allow the resurrection frequency of the 713 Hz to shift DNA back to the way we were created. Step into the self-altering frequency of the universe as intended by Creator.
- Deep Serenade and Deep Connection – Listen to the serenade and walk through greater intimacy with Creator while participating in the deep serenade, then soar into a deeper connection. It’s a beckoning to “come up here!” Open the door and enter in…
“Deep Restoration” was recorded at the 713 Hz frequency. (F=713 Concert Pitch)
“Deep Serenade” and “Deep Connection” were recorded in the A=444 concert pitch
Song titles include:
- Deep Restoration
- Deep Serenade
- Deep Connection
Album Length: 74 minutes
CD’s are available through Amazon. Individual song and EMDR downloads are available through Gumroad from the individual album pages.