Cloaked in Love


Get 13 instrumental songs, 12 voice-over activations, and an instructional PDF

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Putting on the Cloak of Love

…is a series with 13 activations and 13 instrumental songs!

This series started out as part of the Song of the Month subscription. There are 13 total activations with corresponding instrumental music. Based on the Hebraic monthly cycle, you’re introduced to the meaning behind each month in the PDF’s that come with each song. Each month is meant to bring you into greater wholeness and closeness to YHVH (the Hebrew name for God). In a sense, it’s taking you out of your “personal Egypt” so that as each year progresses, you advance to new levels of maturity and understanding of who you were created to be.

At the beginning of each Hebrew month, a new activation along with it’s corresponding music is sent to Song of the Month subscribers. This is the first series being made available to those outside the subscription because it’s not tied to a specific month within the Hebraic cycle. Although it was introduced during a typical cycle, it can be done at any time!

In the Hebraic year 5782, I introduced the Cloak of Love with a variety of “adornments” over a twelve month period. Each adornment represents a Godly character trait. They are as follows: joy, peace, hope, faithfulness, rejoice, personal identity, patience, faith, perseverance, tenderness, and mercy. Everyone visualizes what their adornment looks like before placing it somewhere on the cloak. As a new adornment is added, it brings you into a greater understanding of your true identity so you’re able to move forward into the next season of your life. What that looks like is up to you!

What’s the overall goal with this series of activations? It’s to assist you on your journey of discovery into the “real you.” That often requires letting go of things that no longer suit you. At times, some interesting things from your past may show up. By covering them with the adornments of God’s character, all cloaked in love, you can stay in a place of rest and peace as you continue your journey, crossing many mountains as they appear before you. Some are easier to cross than others. At the end of it, you’ll be in a greater position to understand what your next season looks like.

What you get with this download:

  • 13 MP3 instrumental songs based on a specific character trait
  • 12 MP3 voice-over activations to the same music
  • PDF informational and instructional sheet.
  • A PDF document with affirmations (or decrees) you can say over yourself for each character trait.
  • Each instrumental song is about 13 minutes long. Some are upwards of 20 minutes.
  • Each voice-over activation is about 15 minutes long.

How do you proceed with these activations?

Originally, the activations were sent monthly. Although you’ll receive the original PDF’s that were sent out to subscribers, you can do any month at any time. It is suggested that you spend several days (if not a couple of weeks) on each adornment to really get to know what it looks like and how it functions for you. It’s plausible you could get through the entire series in 6 months by engaging with your cloak and adornments daily. Practice, practice, PRACTICE!!!

Start with the cloak of love in the month of Tishri FIRST. Allow it to become a part of you. Next, add the adornment of your personal character from the month of Nissan. From there, go as you feel led!

CLICK HERE to read the blog post where I present more in depth information on releasing this series outside the Song of the Month subscription.