Into His Presence

Into His Presence 







  1. Running to Him (F)
  2. The Wedding (A)
  3. Into His Presence (C)


Del Hungerford, keyboard and percussion

All music spontaneously performed by Del Hungerford

Copyright Del Hungerford 2016

Artwork and design by Julie Ann

Emotional Roots of Physical Symptoms for the album “Into His Presence.” 

This information is based on personal experience, customer feedback, and working with Seneca of Freedom Flowers and Alice of Emotional and Spiritual Healing.

Into His Presence – Album

  • Physical: pelvis, respiratory, suicidal, fatigue
  • Emotional: needing to feel grounded, needing love, fear of living life to fullest, unable to resolve life’s problems, everyone would be better off without me

Running to Him – SONG

  • Physical: Lupus, allergies, endometriosis, hemorrhoids,
  • Emotional: want to move forward, suppressed weeping, feeling stifled, unresolved sadness, frustration, insecurity, lack of self-love, wanting to blame problems on others, inability to let go of past, emotional block where mate is concerned, fear and tension, feeling pressured or anxious, ongoing feelings of being burdened, self rejection

The Wedding – SONG 

  • Physical: arthritis, carpel tunnel, insomnia, Lou Gehrig’s
  • Emotional: depression, mental fatigue, sleep issues, need to feel loved and appreciated, over sensitive, feeling dominated by parent, suppressed sorrow, chronic anxiety, fear, reliving childhood fears, feeling life isn’t fair, overwork along with emotional stress, sever self-criticism, controlling personality, deep seeded guilt, not forgiving self, holding record of wrongs, low self esteem

Into His Presence – SONG

  • Physical: Parkinson’s, chronic fatigue, high cholesterol, phlebitis, thymus, yeast infections
  • Emotional: denying self joy, wanting full control, fears not being able to control, despair, desolation, no will to live, low self esteem, “I’m not supposed to be happy,” no way out, feeling trapped, life isn’t fair, feeling picked on and persecuted and unprotected, deep and unresolved resentments, lack of self love, unable to accept self, not recognizing own needs

The FULL emotional roots of physical symptoms is available as a download! Sign up for the newsletter and you’ll receive it FREE within a month of your subscription!



Here is the YouTube video of the song “Into His Presence” during the creation of the percussion parts:



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