
Click on drop-down menu or on links below to be redirected to the “shop” page


This section includes the “ongoing” opportunities available in subscriptions and and single purchases. All of my albums are listed at the bottom, too. I also offer classes that are on a separate site – a forum. Why a forum? Well, in forums, it’s much easier to have conversations with other class members. For those “products,” you’ll be redirected to the Kingdom Tribes Forum for more information on how to register.

On the Healing Frequencies Music website, there are two opportunities for music purchases outside the regular albums. Those are listed first.

Music Subscriptions…

  • Personal Songa ten-minute personal song that you can order as often as you want for $75
  • Song of the Month – subscription at $12.50 per month (music is in the432 concert pitch and based on musical frequencies of Hebrew letters)


Course Subscriptions…

  • Frequency Basics class monthly Q&A sessions. The course and Q&A are conducted on the Kingdom Tribes Forum. CLICK HERE to read more about this course. It’s a self-paced course so register any time! Course fee is $199 for permanent access. Q&A sessions are $10 per month subscription.
  • Kingdom Worship Basics Q&A monthly sessions. These are conducted via Zoom conference calling once a month on the Kingdom Tribes Forum. CLICK HERE to read more about this course on the forum. It’s a self-paced course and includes everything in Frequency Basics. Like Frequency Basics, you get permanent access. Course fee is $499 and monthly Q&A subscription is $18 per month (includes Frequency Basics Q&A)

Links to my albums so you don’t have to go searching!



NOTE: Healing Frequencies Music is the ONLY place where you can purchase individual song downloads! CLICK HERE.



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