HFM Courses

Welcome to the courses page!

All courses where you interact with Del (via homework) are included on this page. 

Click on pictures to be sent directly to Gumroad where you can read what's in the course, purchase, and download the course materials.  

All courses are purchased and downloadable through Gumroad. All videos for each course are embedded within PDF's with clickable links. Any audios are downloadable as MP3's. 

  • Sign up for a FREE Gumroad account.
  • Purchase the desired courses/products, and then login to access your downloads.
  • DO NOT wait for Gumroad to send you a download link. Those emails often go to your spam folder. 
  • Each product on Gumroad has a direct link to sign up for the email list where you can join the private Facebook group (bottom of each page).

Available Courses

As new courses are added, you'll find them below and on the SHOP page of this website. 

VIA Character and Passions

VIA Character and Passions is all about discovering your identity, your character strengths, and your true passions. Be prepared to dig deep into your past and future as you begin to discover your identity. Cost: $25

Healing at the cellular level

Healing at the Cellular Level began as a challenge to help participants understand HOW to change the memory of what's in your cells so you can function at your healthiest level - spirit, soul, and body. There are two price points. COST: $25 or $100

Mountains, gates, and castles

Mountains, Gates, and Castles uses the imagination so you can see your "positioning" as the "king" over your own life. Learn what "gates" are in the spirit, soul, and body as you infuse them with Perfect Love to bring you into greater wholeness. COST: $55

FIP Module 1: Living Healthy and Happy

Living Healthy and Happy is part of the Frequency Immersion Practitioner training but... ANYONE can take this first module! It includes a lot of materials from VIA Character and Passions, Healing at the Cellular Level, and Mountains, Gates, and Castles. COST: $400

Kingdom worship basics

Kingdom Worship Basics is for the serious worshipper and worship leader. What you learn comes from the Judeo-Christian perspective and is designed to assist with a higher level of worship. COST: $160