Healing at The cellular Level 

Self-Paced Course!

Purchase Price: 

4 General Pre-Recorded Sessions ($20)

+ recorded Q&A session 

3 VIP Sessions ($75)

+ General sessions + 3 activations + a book  

+ Q&A + another course!

(See full description below)

with Del Hungerford

Musician, Author, Teacher, Creator

Choose your Course Level! $20 or $75

Consider the following...

We partner with our "Divine Creator" in our life journey for optimal health. 

Our spirit, soul, and body are designed to work together in harmony.

We create “dis-ease” in the body through our words - life and death are truly in the power of the tongue!

Wholeness is as much of a spiritual journey as it is physical. 

The "frequency" of negative thoughts and intentions often lead to "dis-ease."

Negativity settles into the body as sickness, all the way to the cellular level.

Are you on a merry-go-round of frustration and desire to change things?

Do you want to understand how to move forward in life?

Do you struggle with being consistent so you can get things done?

Do you ever wonder why we are a three-part being with a spirit, soul, and body?

If any of these statements resonate in your spirit, this course is for you!

Read Del's journey of walking into wholeness as she stepped into a greater spiritual awakening that led to healing in her physical body. Her "awakening" and transformation process replaced anxiety, stress, and their negative cuddle buddies with Perfect Love. It's an overcoming story that began after leaving an abusive marriage. This book is included at the VIP price level ($75) as a PDF. 

Del's journey to discovery started with a thought... a thought about how healing requires replacing negative epigenetic triggers. From there, a new positive mindset positively changed her... all the way to the cellular level.

Del learned to take negative thoughts, intents, and actions and reframe them into a more positive outcome through consistently practicing "heart-brain coherence." No, it wasn't quick but she continued to be persistent and eventually, her physical body came into agreement with the "spirit" mindset shift. What did she do? You'll learn more about that process through this course!

Click on the picture to order the book in Kindle or paperback or... sign up for the VIP sessions and get the PDF!

Session Topics

General Session #1: Frequency Cliff Notes
  • Everything has a resonant frequency!
  • How frequency affects the spirit, soul, and body down to the cellular level.
  • A walk down frequency history lane - water memory, matter holds memory, musical frequencies, etc. 
  • Helpful resources to begin your "bench of three" (3-stranded cord) for wholeness.
  • We function as a complete being - spirit, soul, and body!
General Session #2: Intent is King!
  • Intent can change everything down to our cellular structure!
  • The power of the imagination.
  • The mountains and gates that govern your life.
  • The spirit resides at the top of our personal mountain as we're "seated" in Perfect Love.
  • We function from the spirit FIRST, allowing Perfect Love to flow into the soul and body.
General Sessions #3 and #4: Shifting Mindsets and Practical Application
  • The spirit, soul, and body work together in a specific order for optimal wholeness.
  • Build your personal blueprint for a successful wholeness protocol focusing on all three parts of your being - spirit, soul, and body. 
  • Choosing methods of reframing mindsets as you begin your wholeness bench of three.
  • Del tells her personal story and how what she did can help you on your own wholeness journey!
  • Heart/brain coherence and connecting the brain to the heart during meditation or times of "quieting" can help shift negative epigenetic triggers. 
  • Learn from and understand life's negative circumstances and traumas to create a better future! Be a victor, not a victim.
  • Practical application of "marinating" in Perfect Love on a daily basis.
VIP Sessions: Explore and Activate!
  • General: Lots of activation and understanding how to live in a place of Perfect Love from your Seat of Rest on the "mountain of your life" as you preside over the "gates" of the spirit, soul, and body. Everything listed for each day is included in the VIP package!
  • Day 1: Emotional roots and their physical symptoms. We explored back pain this day. An instrumental song from August 2024's Song of the Month was added for personal activation. Discussions began about epigenetics. 
  • Day 2: We looked at auto-immune disorders. The activation for this day is titled "Perfect Love Activation" where we began on the throne of our life and let Perfect Love flow into every gateway on the mountain. 
  • Day 3: The group went over the power of intent and how it affects every part of our being. Many questions were answered about how "frequency" affects us down to the cellular level. The activation is titled "Marinating in Perfect Love." 

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Nikola Tesla

Image by whatmusicreallyis.com

Why Take This course?


To understand the importance of thoughts, intents, and actions and how they affect you down to the cellular level.


To identify negative emotions that may be causing "dis-ease" and illness in your physical body that adversely affects you at the cellular level. 


To understand that you're a spiritual being first that lives in a physical body. Humans too often allow negativity in the soul (through will, choices, reason, emotions, bad habits, etc.) to govern the body. This leads to illness. 


If you want to change at the cellular level, it's important to allow Perfect Love (that resides in the spirit) to infuse the soul and then the body. The body only does what the soul dictates because life and death are in the power of the tongue. 


To understand that Perfect Love is the strongest frequency and can override ALL negativity, sickness, and "dis-ease" down to the cellular level. However, it requires a mindset shift and a greater "spiritual awareness" for this to occur. 


To understand that your imagination is a GOOD thing! It's what you put INTO it that matters. We use activations in the course to retrain the brain using "heart-brain coherence" where you foster a healthy imagination through positive thoughts, intents, and actions. 

what you get in Both General and VIP Sessions...

  • General Session PDF's of each daily lesson (4 total) + the live Q&A recording. Each PDF has clickable links so you can watch each session video. ($20) 
  • VIP Sessions were conducted live. Links to all 3 recordings are posted in one PDF. All 3 activation audio recordings (MP3 format) + all 4 general sessions + a PDF copy of Del's book Transforming Mindsets + the entire VIA Character and Passions course (valued at $20). ($75)
  • Everyone can join the Facebook Group via a link in the PDF's. Once you purchase the course, you can request to join the Facebook group so you can engage with others! 
  • The LIVE Q&A session for ALL participants was recorded and is included with both general and VIP price points. The video link is in sessions #3 and #4.
  • This course is self-paced. However, it's recommended that once you jump in, be consistent! Cheer each other on in the Facebook group! You'll also be given a special deal on the "Mountains, Gates, and Castles" course! CLICK HERE to learn more about it. 
  • Sign up for a Special Email List Just for Courses, Events, and Teachings!

  • Keep up to date with all specials relating to courses, events, and teachings so... CLICK HERE to get on that list! You'll receive updates, announcements for future events with limited enrollment, special coupons only available for the courses/teachings, and invitations to live Zoom Q&A calls. No, you don't have to currently be taking a course to get on the list. NOTE: This does NOT sign you up for the general Frequency Mini-Course newsletter!  

About Del

Del Hungerford recently transitioned from the life of a college music professor and public school music teacher to that of a full-time healing and worship music creator, author, entreprenuer, small-business owner, coach, mentor, and "frequency researcher." As you'll learn in this course, Del shows you how to take everything that you've ever done in your life and incorporate it into a protocol that brings you into greater healing and wholeness - spirit, soul, and body. How does she do it? Through her personal experience, research, and practical application. Gather ideas from her life experiences to use in your own healing protocol!

Del's musical beginnings started in grade school where her uncle was the band director. This led to a full career as a classical musician. She utilizes her classical training as part of a new style of creative spontaneous music.

Del has three degrees in music:

B.M. from the University of Idaho, M.M. from Yale University, and a D.M.A. from the University of Washington

ready to Purchase the Course?

The 4 general sessions + Q&A recording for $20

All the above + 3 VIP sessions + 3 audio activations + Del's book Transforming Mindsets (PDF) + VIA Character and Passions course for $75!

Both links take you to the same product in Gumroad. Simply choose your price and pay! Create a FREE Gumroad account, remember your password, and login to download your files after purchase.  

Click Image for Healing Frequencies Music Site!

Sources from the Course...

CLICK HERE to see Del's books on Amazon and CLICK HERE for her teachings discussed throughout this challenge. You may also download Del's books from this website as PDF's from the Books category on the Shop page. 

Session 1: All sources are listed on the final page (clickable links)

Session 4: If This Were a Dream, What Would it Mean? by Murray Dueck 

Session 2: The Tongue: A Creative Force by Charles Capps 

Session 2: Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K. Truman (suggested reading)

Session 2: The magic of words - what we speak is what we create: Andrew Bennett at TEDxTowsonU

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