People have for years made attempts at explaining what we call “paranormal activity.” Ghost hunting is a cool thing to do where people on TV shows with high tech equipment search for strange apparitions. What is this all about? Could there be an explanation as to why people see, sense, hear, and feel things outside what we consider normal?

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We’ll start this article out by making a couple of statements. First off, although I’ve not watched ghost hunting TV shows, I’ve seen enough to know they use a lot of specialized equipment in search of abnormal activity. We know it’s possible to do this because it’s how scientists discovered quantum physics. Next, it’s possible what we might want to consider “abnormal” is simply something with a different form, something we’ve not yet understood, or from a different dimension that we don’t see every day; therefore, we consider it abnormal.
Does this have anything to do with frequency research!? Glad you thought that. We’ve already established in other articles that matter has memory. And, it’s possible to measure those frequencies. Everything has a resonant frequency. This is quantum physics. We don’t often understand how some things work but we know they do work. In one article I read, the author commented that within the study of quantum physics, there’s so much that still doesn’t make sense. Scientists don’t always have answers but, the “repeatability” of an experiment encourages more research. Sometimes, answers don’t reveal themselves until many years and experiments down the road.
For example, we understand that water carries the memory of the world surrounding it. For more information on that, check out the four articles on this site (under the blog posts) about water memory. We are also beings of resonant frequency. It seems that everywhere we turn, we learn more about the function of frequency. Even in this article where I discuss paranormal activity, it’s still all about frequency. If you think about it, quantum physicists say we live in a holographic universe. What we think is real isn’t because there are more dimensions beyond our physical senses. Because we are the observer in the experiment of life, the question “is it a wave or a particle?” is determined by observation. What happens when we stop observing? Even the act of observation creates a frequency.

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If matter has memory and… water carries the memory of what surrounds it and… we are beings of resonant frequency, is it so much of a stretch to believe that walls can carry the memory of actions that took place near them? Aren’t walls considered “matter?” Even in Biblical times, they understood that items carried memory. Why else could a piece of fabric bring healing to a sick person? To save you from looking it up, I found two references for your reading pleasure: Acts 19:11-12 and Luke 8:43-48. Please note these Biblical stories took place over 2,000 years ago. It’s apparent that the receiver understood energy was transferred from one object to another in both these stories. However, they didn’t comprehend the details. Here’s a modern example… I know nothing about the inner workings of a computer or how I can type this blog post, insert pictures, format, and do other fun things before I push a button and suddenly, we have something in cyber land! I still do it and rely on it even though I lack deep level understanding of how it functions.
With that long winded introduction, let’s take a look at what’s called the “stone tape theory.” The Supernatural Magazine presents an article (no author attribution) where this theory is discussed. The author states that…
“Many paranormal investigators talk about the phenomena that is best described as a playback of events gone past. Somehow recorded into the very fabric of the environment and is played back much like a video.”
Whatever personal beliefs surround this phenomenon, it’s obvious people aren’t making things up, especially when reports of “sightings” are identical over long periods of time. People do see, sense, hear, and feel things outside our normal human five senses. And, for years, we’ve considered those who talk about such things as having overactive imaginations. In addition, people tend to go negative, often thinking, “Oh my God! I just saw a ghost! How creepy!!!”
Might I suggest that there indeed is a supernatural world that’s beyond our normal human understanding and that it doesn’t always have to be perceived as scary or freaky. I think movies and TV have done us a disfavor by portraying every “out-of’the-normal” experience as something pessimistic and fear enhancing. After all, it’s the negative stuff that sells the best. So, why not flaunt it? Maybe people actually see an angel instead of a ghost and don’t realize it? I’m guessing that not all angels are beautifully dressed with wings, floating on clouds, and playing a golden harp. Maybe there are angels that look like medieval warriors! I wonder why the first mental picture is to generally focus on the gloomy aspect of the supernatural/paranormal? I’ll leave that to ponder on for another article while we move on…
A quote from the film The Matrix spoken by Morpheus to Neo poses a good question…
“What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about your senses, what you feel, taste, smell, or see, then all you’re talking about are electrical signals interpreted by your brain.”
In the article by Anthony Brockway titled “The Stone Tape,” we see a synopsis of a study completed by Dr. John Marke and Alan Jenkins (both scientists) in the UK from a sound recording taken at a pub in Wales. Don’t be too quick to judge this as “woo woo” or some other trash about ghosts. This is not that at all.

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It’s looking way beyond that and into the how’s and why’s of strange sounds coming from places where they shouldn’t be. And, scientists are beginning to take a hard look beyond the sensationalism of “ghost busters” because evidence truly demands a verdict. In this article, we explore how this is possible. In other articles about this experiment, these guys are considered hacks. How many scientists are willing to risk their entire careers and reputations over creating a hoax? Getting attention? Yes, I’ve seen that but not at the expense of a career.
Although this article from 1991 titled, “Voices of long-dead medieval knights haunt tavern’s talking walls!” is from a Tabloid in England, it’s amazing how much of what’s said is accurate in explaining the event. And, these same words mirror what John Stuart Reid said about the incident. He interviewed the researcher (John Marke). A tabloid article actually lining up with the words of a researcher!? That’s something new.
Paul Lee writes a compelling article titled “Science, Not Superstition: The Nature of Ghosts – A Review of the Evidence.” In the article (almost to the end), he discusses the same research by Dr. John Marke and Allan (Alan) Jenkins. By looking at the above three articles, it should give you enough information to understand Dr. Marke’s and Allan Jenkin’s study. My focus centers on the discussion about Marke and Jenkins, not what Lee says in the rest of the article.
John Stuart Reid is a forerunner in musical acoustics. He’s the scientist who invented the Cymascope. I’ve mentioned him in the article on Cymatics. If you looked at that article, I refer to his interview with Natalie Gray of the Gray Escape titled “Ep 35: The Startling Secrets of Sound.” It’s a very long interview but at about 40 minutes into the video, Reid discusses the work of Dr. John Marke. Reid actually went to Dr. Marke’s house and interviewed him, hoping to listen to the tapes. What intrigued me the most was that John Marke’s tapes were taken by C.I.A.! They showed up at Marke’s house wanting to borrow the tapes. He handed over the tapes and never heard from the C.I.A. again. Now, why would officials from the USA go all the way over to Wales to confiscate a tape if it was all a hoax?
There’s a lot of information wrapped up into this itty bitty blog post. However, I’m hoping that it will at least inspire some thinking. Simply because we don’t understand something, doesn’t mean that it’s not real. Just because we see, sense, feel, or hear something beyond our expectations doesn’t mean it’s not real. Again, there’s another level of understanding that needs exploring. Through the study of quantum physics, there are many possible explanations. We may be missing the answers; however, it’s also important to be willing to look outside our current paradigms for answers. After all, both Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein were initially ostracized for being on the edge of the “fringe science” of their day.
There’s enough evidence to present a plausible case for walls carrying the memory of what occurred close to them. In addition, it might be time to get over what we consider “paranormal activity” as something that’s “woo woo” or scary. It could be quantum physics in action and we simply don’t understand it… yet. Watching too many scary movies probably hasn’t helped either. They do say what we watch (see) and hear has a major affect on our lives. After all, since water does carry memory with the vibrational frequencies of what goes on around us, our reactions to scary movies would be imprinted into the water in our bodies. But again, that’s for another blog post. It only leaves more to ponder. Try reading the article Thoughts, Intents, Action! for more on what we think, frame, and then do, affects our own bodies.
Lastly, the next time something appears before you that’s not quite normal or is outside your paradigm, ponder on how you’re probably seeing quantum physics at work and how cool it is to be able to see bits and pieces of that quantum world!
© Del Hungerford 2018
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