Negative Musical Reactions

Have you ever been in a place where the music that’s playing grates on your nerves? It could be one song or everything on an album causes anxiety, fear, frustration, anger or a myriad of other unpleasant emotions. What causes negative musical reactions? We all know that music affects peopleā€¦

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Water Memory: Part 4

The research into water memory is in its infancy. What scientists are discovering is how little we really know about the properties of water. What are they beginning to understand? Water carries a memory of what it comes in contact with.

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Water Memory, Music, and Flowers

Water has memory… Music is healing emotionally and physically… Flowers have healing properties…   If music and flowers both carry healing properties, wouldn’t it make sense that we seek out a natural method of allowing the two to work together? Both natural and homeopathic healing methods alongside our modern medicalā€¦

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Thoughts, Intents, Action!

There are old Chinese proverbs and many other ancient writings that talk about the power of our words. But, where do our words actually come from? They don’t just pop out of thin air! Well, I would say that’s most of the time. Under inspiration, some incredible stuff has comeā€¦

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We are Beings of Resonant Frequency

For many years, I’ve been fascinated with sound resonance. I guess much of that came out of working with musical acoustics specialists during the writing of my dissertation. My topic was a strange one – looking inside the mouths of clarinet players to see how the tongue moved while playing.ā€¦

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It’s all About Frequency – Part 4

In this post, I add more information from three previous blog posts along with a video where I go through all the PowerPoint slides. At the end (below), you can download the PDF of that presentation which has clickable links on the last slide. The links send you on someā€¦

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“Cymatics?” you ask. Simply put, the term “cymatics” was coined by Hans Jenny in the 1970’s as a way of describing how to visualize sound. Up until recently, the only method of “seeing” sound was by taking a violin bow and rubbing it along a metal plate that was coveredā€¦

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Music and Healing Powers

There’s a saying that “music tames the savage beast.” If you think back to Biblical examples, every time an evil spirit tormented Saul, he called David to play his harp. Eventually, Saul would be consoled and David would go about his business. Fast forward to the year 2017 and you’llā€¦

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