Cymatics is Music in Pictures

Imagine that you’re an ancient Sumerian who wants to notate musical frequencies or a simple melody. How do you do it? Was it even possible during their day? Musicologists have said that musical notation didn’t appear until about 1,000 AD during the time of Guido D’Arezzo, who invented solfege (Ut,…

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Do Walls talk?

People have for years made attempts at explaining what we call “paranormal activity.” Ghost hunting is a cool thing to do where people on TV shows with high tech equipment search for strange apparitions. What is this all about? Could there be an explanation as to why people see, sense,…

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Negative Musical Reactions

Have you ever been in a place where the music that’s playing grates on your nerves? It could be one song or everything on an album causes anxiety, fear, frustration, anger or a myriad of other unpleasant emotions. What causes negative musical reactions? We all know that music affects people…

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Water Memory: Part 4

The research into water memory is in its infancy. What scientists are discovering is how little we really know about the properties of water. What are they beginning to understand? Water carries a memory of what it comes in contact with.

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Water Memory: Part 3

Is it possible that the ancients understood that water has memory and could have an affect on people and livestock? If so, are there examples from historical writings? I’d never thought about this until watching one of the water memory videos. Actually, there’s at least one incidence that comes to…

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Water Memory: Part 2

Water memory is a topic of heated debate in the science community. However, enough scientists have ventured out into the proverbial “possible falling limb” world of water memory that the risk is worth it. Science is a wonderful thing. However, even Einstein met with resistance when his theories didn’t line…

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Hitler and the A=440 Concert Pitch

Music on the brain

There is much out there in internet land concerning Hitler’s use of the A=440 concert pitch to wage war and cause confusion. Although this sounds a bit far-fetched, there are many who believe it… hook, line, and sinker. For now, we’ll call it a theory. I propose that he used…

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Pythagorean Tuning in A=444 and A=432

There are as many different concert pitches as there are notes on a piano. Well… almost. What do I mean by that? Although there are other concert pitch articles on this site, I’ll quickly give you the low down. Setting the concert pitch requires tuning all notes to one specific…

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