The Frequency of Lying
Ancient Bells of China

With so much “misinformation” about pitch, scales, and tunings resonating throughout internet land, whenever reliable sources on music history come my way, I investigate. I had a conversation with Joscelyn Godwin, a musicologist, about a recently discovered ancient instrument. He told me that in 1978, a set of Chinese bells,…
The Problem With Free Speech
Overview: Frequencies of Creation
Patterns and Cycles Between the Periodic Table and Music

Everything in the universe is based on patterns and cycles. When they are evident, it’s a path that leads to possible discoveries. When patterns and cycles cease to exist, that’s when research sits on a shelf until further understanding is revealed. In the Frequencies of Creation series, I hypothesize that…
Frequencies of Creation: Part 7
Cymatics and Musical Frequencies

Step into the wonderful world of cymatics where we visualize “music in motion.” Because everything (all matter) has a resonant frequency, everything in the universe can all be expressed in musical form. Cymatics is one way the ancients could “notate” the visual aspects of music. Is it possible cymatics is…